This adventure short story takes us to Devon in England. A retired man takes an afternoon walk along the English coast. He notices a pinkish form far below surrounded by some kind of sea animal. …
This detective short story from E. A. Poe has been recognized as the first modern detective story. Poe referred to it as one of his “tales of ratiocination”. Two murders happened that time in Paris and …
This fantasy short story is about two friends who go to the canoe trip together and decide to spend the night on a small island. Soon they start to realise that there are supernatural forces hidden in …
Amazingly funny short story The Night The Ghost Got In is a fictionalized account of life in the Thurber household while its author was growing up. A man hears footsteps downstairs. The family is thrown into confusion …
A classic horror short story about fear of the dark. What is the most masterful is the way Greene develops a subtle but emphatic language of light to illuminate the enveloping and ineffable terror of his story’s …
Ernest Hemingway’s psychological short story Hills Like White Elephants was first published in August 1927, in the literary magazine Transition then later in the 1927 short story collection Men Without Women. In this shorts story young …
The American scifi short story Rain, Rain, Go Away from writer Isaac Asimov was originally published in the September 1959 issue of Fantastic Universe. The short story concerns the Sakkaros family (seemingly perfect) who become neighbours …
A very short romantic short story Return to Paradise from Eliza Riley takes us to the island of the main protagonist Lisa had her honeymoon. Here she thinks about her marriage… Lisa gazed out over …